Thursday 25 November 2010

Starting a new business................

Well first of all hi to anyone reading this.

I set up my own cookware business about three months ago having left my job with another electrical and cookware manufacturer and I suppose this blog is designed to well lets be honest gain coverage for my new business! and also to allow people to see all the highs and lows accompied with starting from scratch.

I distribute cookware in the UK under the Fagor brand, not many people will have heard of this brand but it is very well known in Europe.

The first thing I can tell you is in the main its bloody tough, no one wants to take on a new untrialled brand because quite simply they all think you are going to go bust! It means endless hours e-mailing, calling people to only get endless rejections or indifference.
The second thing I can tell you is that when you eventually get an order it is the sweetest thing known to man. I got an order for 12 coffee grinders last week and was completely made up for the rest of the week!

The Business

I sell to both the trade and online via and ebay. I am very grateful to Lemongrass Kitchenware, Rosie and Java, Less4u2pay and baytree cookware who have agreed to list our products. It took 3 months just to get 4 customers so its tough and but as I said above worth it when you get an order.


I currently advertising using Facebook, Twitter and Google Adwords, none have really realised any return as of yet but thats ok as I want to build the brand and this takes time.
I also advertise and sponsor on local radio which again has yet to product a return but is very cheap, certaintly compared to google adwords.


Well currently with product bought in from Spain and Germany I am making a loss as all my money is tied up in stock but that is expected in the first 3 months.

If anyone has any good marketing ideas or of course wants to buy our product please contact me at

In the meantime I will keep updating you all as to my progress.


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